It’s time

to say goodbye…


Source:  pexels


There comes that time when it is obvious that to continue would be foolish. The creative juices (what there was of it) has gone dry, and one’s health makes it more difficult. You only have to look at the latest About page photo of me to see that age and the hard life I have led have caught up with me. So, it’s time.

I have cancelled my WordPress subscription, but I’m paid up until july2018. I think what that means is that the advertisements won’t start appearing until after then! I will leave the blog here for those who may wish to explore further, and you may find me in the More on WordPress section of the Reader at some point in the future! LOL. Yes, my humour hasn’t quite left me and I do see the irony in that statement.

For those who are interested in such things:

  1. I have published 984 posts, since june2014 (the latest incarnation).
  2. There have been 745 comments made on those posts.
  3. There are six Pages: the About page at the top of the site, and five others which are Galleries of themed images. Those you connect to by clicking onto any of the five button links at the footer of the site, where normally the social media icons appear. Hover over each one to see the topic matter. Enjoy!
  4. I have added a Blog Stats widget too. That tells you the real story of this blog.
  5. You will not be able to Follow this blog.
  6. Comments will remain open, but close after 90 days on this final post.

My six or so years on WordPress have been an interesting learning journey. After blogging since 2005, on many different platforms and for different reasons, whether writing or photography or showing anything that I would consider more ‘arty’, I finally settled with WP because, simply put, it is the best out there that I could find (I’m a very fussy person and highly critical when it counts). Ease of technical execution to create and keep a site functioning well, the many blog or website themes to choose from (sometimes I think there are too many), and the wonderful support community, whether the Happiness Engineers or the Forums, where one can learn lots or contribute as well, if the mood takes you. But, most of all, it is the people I call the WordPress Family, those fellow WP bloggers who come and visit and Like and Comment, with consistency, and often with great humour. I like a good joke, just like the next person, and my sense of humour tends to be either very dry or quite whacky. I have had many laughs as a result. Thank you, so much!

Most of all, I have learned and evolved my technical skills, along with WordPress. My own natural computing aptitude tends towards stretching the boundaries, and I was always pleased when it became clear something had been changed to make it easier for all of us. Sometimes I would make suggestions, more often I would just wait. Rarely was I disappointed. Technology changes at the speed of light. I have no doubt WordPress will be at the forefront of that change. My thumbs up to Matt and all the engineers and other contributors who make it all work. Thank you!

As an aside, I haven’t been able to draw this yet (I saw it quite lucidly as part of a dream one night recently), but just imagine an open heart partly embedded in the earth, with classic simple outlines of faces grouped together, bursting forth from that heart. That describes me. Perhaps a futurist, which also describes me. Perhaps a sign of people who love future technology. As a segue, the only real regret of my life is that I never took up the opportunity that was handed to me in 1982 to work for Rank Xerox here in Melbourne after they saw how I was doing other things, not expected, on their wonderful state-of-the-art 850 Page Display dedicated standalone word processing system (I think a definite forerunner to the Apple Mac, if only they’d been quick to get to market), and which I had chosen as the word processing system to be used at the research consultancy where I worked. The artificial intelligence side of things Rank Xerox were doing really got my attention!

Anyway, enough. Talking about myself hasn’t been a part of what this blog has been about. I hope the work I have posted, and the sometimes godawful attempts as well, will show who I am. I will remain in touch by keeping up with your activity in the Reader.

One final drawing, made by me on my Lumia 950 Windows 10 smartphone:

Echidna, a cute Australian native mammal. Finger painting using Fantasia Painter.

Author: jmnowak

Long-time photo enthusiast, my 'style' could be defined as colourful and eclectic, 'tho I do like to experiment.

36 thoughts on “It’s time”

    1. Thanks so much, John, for your kind words of support. They mean a lot to me. I’ve been inspired by your own diverse styles of seeing and obviously appreciating Nature in all its wonderment. If I’d kept on going with my original love of minimalist landscapes, who knows what I may have achieved! Keep well. Your fan. 💋

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your good wishes Andrew. In the short time I’ve been following you, I’ve come to appreciate your thinking and its artistic expression…so vibrant. All the best, 🎈

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hey, Janina – I’m hoping this is merely au revoir. I can’t keep up with commenting on sites as often as I’d like, but I’ve enjoyed visiting yours when I get the chance. And where will I be without my follower down under??? 🙂 I don’t know how you’ve been organising your online presence, but if it’s any help, all I pay is for the domain plus hosting. It’s not that expensive – though it will increase because, by the nature of what I’m trying to do, it a space-hungry website.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Mike, Thank you for your kind thoughts about my blog, which I appreciate, but I think the first paragraph of my post says it all…or…at least I thought so!! I’ll still visit you when I can. Your blogsite is such a mine of information, with history presented in a manner most enjoyable and humorous. No wonder they’re flocking to you! Keep going! You’re in the right place. 👍💋 from your long time fan from the land down under…Cheeri-pip!


    1. Thank you! Yes, it’s a strange journey sometimes. Take it in your stride, with an open mind and confidence in yourself, and you could be pleasantly surprised! I’ve certainly been enjoying your travels with Callie, the gorgeous…Cheeri-pip! 🌟

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Janina I just finally figured out how to put a comment on your blog, I know I’m not that bright … I never thought to click on the title and open up the actual blog 😦 … and now you have posted your last post! I have enjoyed your art, and I love your sense of humour. I hope that someday you come back and post the occasional blog on free WordPress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Well, I certainly wouldn’t know what to do with your Maxx machine; so, the score’s even! 🙋
      Thanks for your good wishes, and, happy trails…I’m there with you. Cheers! 🔆

      Liked by 1 person

  3. sending well wishes. I have always appreciated your support, even when I have been absent over the last year plus. I do understand though. Take good care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rebecca, I’ve enjoyed watching the painted pear, which I’m not sure actually existed, turn into a quirkily determined giraffe of great character who has kept us all amused with his exploits on that bike. How has he been faring in Sweden? I must check.
      Thank you for your good wishes, Rebecca, they are appreciated very much! Cheeri-hoo! 💋

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Farewell Janina – I have enjoyed your quirky take on the world and very much appreciated the interest and support you have shown me. I’d like to think you won’t disappear entirely … good luck with your health, and keep experimenting! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Anna, your work is such an inspiration, and I just wish mine was just as good! *wink Thank you for your encouragement all this while. My current experiments, when I’m in the mood, is trying to get my head around my new tablet; it’s a helluva lot faster than anything I’m used to it has me spinning! LOL. Cheeri-pip, 💋


        1. I’ll check in on your blog occasionally to see what you’re up to. Your star is on the rise…and all the hard work is reaping what your creativity deserves. I feel 2018 is the year!! ✨
          I was given the Samsung tablet as a gift by my telcom for 50+ years as a customer, which I thought was very nice of them! I wanted it as a larger surface to draw on than my phone, and I have a proper stylus too to do that. But, it’s not easy drawing without resting one’s hand on the surface, which leaves marks everywhere! Grrr!! 😁

          Liked by 1 person

  5. I hate to see you go but I do understand; life likes to roll and we must adapt and roll with it. Good Luck with the next installment in your journey and I hope that we see you back here…one day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, Lisa, you must keep going with yours! Come back!! Thank you for your support, and, have a rummage in my archives, you may come across something quite hilarious! 💋

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